Specialists in veterinary practice sales and acquisitions
About the Veterinary Business Agency
Malcolm Wright and Arthur Wappat are highly experienced in selling veterinary practices and negotiating the optimum value. We work closely with clients from the outset to fully understand their practice so that we can demonstrate its value to prospective buyers.
The goodwill will be a significant factor in the sales of your practice, and it is essential to maximise its value to get the best price when you come to sell. The rationale behind valuing your practice must be concise, clear, and understandable for any buyer.Because we are a small specialist company that only deals with our private veterinary clients in the sale of their practice, we are able to offer a highly personal and professional service. We are responsible only to our clients and their success is our priority.

Malcolm Wright BVMS. MRCVS
Graduated Glasgow Vet School 1972.
Set up Westway Veterinary Group in 1975. This developed through organic growth into multisite practices in the NE England. Sold as a MBO in 1999.
Started Vet-Direct Services Ltd in 1992. This was developed as a short line wholesaler supplying veterinary practices throughout the UK. Sold out in 2004.
Started the Veterinary Business Agency (VBA) - involved with the valuation and sale of veterinary practices throughout the UK.
Started Firstvets Ltd in 1999. This was developed by a mix of practice acquisitions and organic growth, with centres in W.Midlands, E.Midlands, Scotland and NE. England . Sold out in 2006.
2006-2024 Retired twice in between restarted the VBA which is involved with purchase/sale of veterinary practices.